Still working on my first dataset, realizing finding/creating a sufficient quantity of sample data is going to be a journey. Documenting the growth of ContractAI, smart contract auditing start-up.

#algofam #buildinpublic #Algorand
@BlockBeamio @LorenzodeLeo_ @MoonbeamNetwork
Started preparing the first dataset to train OpenAI Algorand PyTeal smart contract security auditing model. Documenting the growth of ContractAI, my smart contract auditing start-up.

#algofam #buildinpublic #Algorand @BlockBeamio @LorenzodeLeo_ @encodeclub @OpenAI @ycombinator
Wow, first subscription ever! Super hyped!! 🥳

#buildinpublic #web3 #Algorand
Was able to get verified on!! Give us a try 😊

#buildinpublic #web3 #Algorand
We're now live on…! 🎉
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#algorand #algorandasa #buildinpublic #bones
Been a minute since I've provided an update for ThreadStitcher, we've pivoted! 🥳

#algorand #algorandasa #buildinpublic
ThreadStitcher has pivoted to become BonesBot!

The $BONES token (ASA #510337930) works along our Discord bot, BonesBot, to reward users through reactions when engaging content is shared. More info soon!
