We can't just say whatever we want to our friends and colleagues because they could get hurt. That's unethical. So is it ethical to say whatever you want to an AI since it can't get hurt the way humans can? #buildinpublic #QuestionOfTheDay #GenerativeAI
Curioustale is where self-discovery begins one question at a time. Receive daily thought-provoking prompts and unleash your inner voice through heartfelt answers.
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#selfdiscovery #buildinpublic #QuestionOfTheDay #curioustale
Slack or Discord? When you try to build a community for your Saas 🧐

#questiontime #question #QuestionOfTheDay #community #CommunityBuilding #buildinpublic
how do you plan on making your startup 1% better this week? #questionoftheday #buildinpublic
Do you use any AI tool to write blogs?

What are some of the tools you would recommend?

#blog #ai #aitools #aiBlog #buildinpublic #Recommend #QuestionOfTheDay
I generated a blog post using ChatGpt and here are things I found interesting:
1. The reference links it creates are broken (probably generated fake links)
2. It cannot generate blog with images

You can see the blog it generated here:…
@gumroad users question. Do you have a domain associated with each product or do you have one domain for all products? #buildinpublic #QuestionOfTheDay