We're excited to announce our partnership with @Metavists the anime story of heroes fighting for a world free of corruption. 🎊🎉

Check all the details below 👇…

#defi #NFTMarketplace #NFTCommunity #Web3 #gaming #buildinpublic
What's on my plate today ?
Finishing the E-Commerce Platform, get the requisites and code @DexaInfo following with 3 virtual meetings.

#buildinpublic #Web3 #NFT #NFTMarketplace #Blockchain #business
The #web3 #ipfs pinning tutorial is out. The first step towards creating your own #nocode #NFTMarketplace is available. #buildinpublic @developer_dao @nocodebackend @pinatacloud —
I have started my #web3 #NoCode series on building your own #NFTMarketplace! The intro video is out and the first #buildinpublic video for pinning an image to IPFS using @nocodebackend and @pinatacloud will be published by the end of today 🎉🎉🎉
Just started working on the @fx_hash_ layout for filtering the explore feed. ✨
What do you think?

#fxhash #NFTMarketplace #NFTCommunity #buildinpublic