Days 87-88 of #100DaysOfCode

in preparation of Thesis Defense Day:
- finalizing everything
- started preparing ppt

General preparation, getting in the mode🙂

The big day is postponed 1 day, now 13th Oct, 8:00AM

How was your day?

#buildinpublic #dotNET #aspnet #csharp #mssq
Day 87-88 of #100DaysOfCode

in preparation of Thesis Defense Day:
- finalizing everything
- started preparing ppt

General preparation, getting in the mode🙂

The big day is postponed 1 day, now 13th Oct, 8:00AM

How was your day?

#buildinpublic #dotNET #aspnet #csharp #mssq
Day 86 of #100DaysOfCode

in preparation of Thesis Defense:
- finalizing Thesis Book
- refactored Discount
- Continue general refactoring/Testing

The ⏰️ is ticking, 2 days to go till the big day.

How was your day?

#buildinpublic #dotNET #aspnet #csharp #mssq