🚀Ai Tools Today🚀

Revolutionize e-learning content with Nolej AI's automatic conversion feature, saving both time and cost. #Elearning #AI

#buildinpublic #indiedev #GPT4 @nolej_app
🚀Ai Tools Today🚀

Create amazing content and learn interactively with AI-enabled e-learning platform, Learnitive. #elearning #ai #contentcreation

#buildinpublic #indiedev #GPT4 @learnitive…
Revolutionize the way you create online courses with CourseAI, the cutting-edge elearning tool from the creators of ScormHero. Sign up for the beta version now!

#onlinelearning #elearning #CourseAI #AI #buildinpublic #indiedev @…
Hi Twitter,

500+ designs created and we’re just getting started!
Join our stunning BitoAI showcase of the day! 😍

Today’s theme is: "education apps" 🎓📱

What themes and product would like to see next? 🤔💭

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #AI #edtech #elearning
Designing a user-friendly interface, integrating interactive features, and sourcing quality content – just a few of the things involved in creating a learning app 🔨 #eLearning #education #buildinpublic @cookdom_
Jetzt frage ich mich:
🤔 Gibt es da keinen Bedarf?
🤔 Ist meine Erwartungshaltung falsch?
🤔 Ist es unüblich Angebote für Teams zu skalieren?

Wie seht ihr das? Was sind eure Erfahrungen? Braucht es so etwas?
#buildinpublic #elearning
Going out of my comfort zone to work towards achieving my dreams. I am a nervous wreck, but it is better to be nervous than be full of regrets later!
#Entrepreneur #elearning #buildinpublic
Work smartly;
Never work without strategy

Work small but give full attention with use skill & knowledge
Change self performance by learn with problems…


#buildinpublic #ElonMusk #ELONONE #eLearning #ElizabethOlsen #Elrond
We build in public 😊 wanna join? #buildinpublic #elearning #Entrepreneur
C'est demain 19h, on envoie les invitations avant donc rassurez vous qu'on ait déjà votre e-mail. On est très très ponctuels donc comptez sur nous pour commencer et finir dans les délais.
Demain 19H nous organisons le 2eme Checkpoint autour de notre projet de e-learning pour entrepreneur: Boost My Business Skills. Y participer ne coûte rien et il dure maxi 45 minutes, si vous avez raté le 1er n'hésitez pas à regarder le récap :
Exciting things happening for me and my best friend of 10years/PAB co-founder.
Because we know how frustrating learning solo can be, we are helping professionals reimagine learning. #watchthisspace #buildinpublic #elearning #letTheExpertsGuideYou #femalefounders @pickabrainiac
So if you haven’t heard we are building @pickabrainiac and eagerly searching for a mentor to point me in the right direction..
#buildinpublic #elearning #pickabrain
I made WiseBoard: a whiteboard + video chat made special for teaching online.

It's free, no signup. Check it out, let me know what you think.

#edutech #edtech #buildinpublic #elearning #onlineeducation #onlinelearning #teaching
Ya no existen excusas para no dar el salto a crear. Crea hoy mismo tu #web con estas #herramientas #nocode


#startup #entreprenaur #elearning #business #buildinpublic