L'article @Time de @billyperrigo montre à quel point la régulation de l'IA est dangereusement corrompue par les lobbys de #BigTech.

OpenAI a convaincu les régulateurs que leur IA n'était pas à "haut risque" ... parce que c'était une IA à tout faire.…
Big Tech is great.
They provide wonderful services that should definitely dominate the world.
You should learn and do your SEOs, pay your dues as ADS money.
And accept the status quo as a fact and obey.
That's it. 🤷‍♂️
#buildinpublic #indiehackers #codinglife #indiedev #BigTech…
@ggreenwald @mtaibbi Most people don’t appreciate the significance of the point Matt was making:

*Every* social media company is engaged in heavy censorship, with significant involvement of and, at times, explicit direction of the government.

Google frequently makes links disappear, for example.
I asked AI:
"What advice would the AI give to founders about potential actions or behaviors that could harm their own companies?"

Figured that @elonmusk is AI IRL.
I guess he did all the things that AI mentioned.

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #codinglife #indiedev #BigTech