I’ve just completed day 10 of #100DaysOfSwift, and learned about Classes in swift ! !!

#ios #iOSDev #Swift #WWDC23📷📷 #buildinpublic #SwiftLang
I’ve just completed day 9 of #100DaysOfSwift, and I kept learning about Structs in swift !!!

#ios #iOSDev #Swift #WWDC23📷 #buildinpublic #SwiftLang
I’ve just completed day 8 of #100DaysOfSwift, and learned about Structs in swift ! !!

#ios #iOSDev #Swift #WWDC23📷 #buildinpublic #SwiftLang
I’ve just completed day 7 of #100DaysOfSwift, and I kept learning about Closures in swift !!!

#ios #iOSDev #Swift #WWDC23 #buildinpublic #SwiftLang
I’ve just completed day 6 of #100DaysOfSwift, and learned about Closures in swift!

#ios #iOSDev #Swift #WWDC23 #buildinpublic #SwiftLang
Completed Day 45 of #100DaysofSwift on Spritekit - learnt about SKSpriteNode, UITouch & SKPhysicsBody & built a subview for my project. I am on section 11 of Angela Yus bootcamp & I solved the move zeroes algorithm 📲

Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode 🚀
#iOS #buildinpublic #techtwitter