Selling and marketing as an introvert is not easy !
So glad I got into software development , opportunities are endless ! #ProgrammingLife #buildinpublic #coding #reactnative #Android
Launching my app on the iOS App store is going to be a challenge ! Going to have to learn swift / objective-c and make that work with React-Native.Goal is to have that done by the end of the year.
#buildinpublic #Android #indiedev #ios #Swift
Implementing the User Messaging Platform SDK on Android is annoying :(
#Android #buildinpublic #reactnative #indiedev
My app is getting some downloads , yay !!
I've been experimenting with facebook ads for the past 48hrs. Interesting :)
Told myself this year I was going to build projects non stop , this one is my 5th project already lol. Built with react native and lots of native components. Here is my server monitoring app for android…
#buildinpublic #ReactNative