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#buildinpublic #Feedback #CustomVideo #customerexperience #innovation
@ThePeterMick Hi 👋I'm William

I'm interested in the ecosystem of SaaS and microSaaS.

I'm currently #buildinpublic Voicee, an audio-based tool to collect customer reviews.
It's done 🚀!

I am happy to share with you the V1 of my tool for collecting customer reviews in audio.

Looking forward to your feedback😊

#buildinpublic #customerexperience #customerfeedback #CustomerSatisfaction
@ThePeterMick Hi 👋Thank you for the opportunity!

I am interested in the ecosystem of SaaS and microSaaS. 🚀

I'm currently #buildinpublic Voicee, an audio-based tool to collect customer reviews. 🎧