On side project i have not:
- Staging
- Responsive UI
- Tests
- Follow up email
- Strict validation of input data on backend
- Reset password form
- Paying customers 🤦

What about your side ?

Finishing fuzzy search for hostnames. Fuzzy search algorithm -- helps to find most relevant items with less typed characters.

For last 30 days I had ~280 unique visitors(20 unique visits mine) that converted into 6 signups. I assume it is good rate for my product. What is your current conversion rate or what number you considered good in your domain ?

#buildinpublic #SaaS
Finishing member management page. Now possible to invite members into project

Just got 1st registered user from promotion via twitter DMs. #buildinpublic
Landing page now has demo integration that could be easily installed via small snippet, just select your shell and choose shortcut.

#buildinpublic #SaaS
So crazy how people do 12 projects in 12 months, my best is 12 months into 1 project

#buildinpublic #SaaS
Simplified integration process for end user.

1. Install dependency
2. Edit config file
3. Reload shell

Just run 1-line command

#SaaS #buildinpublic
ssh2 update:

integration page for #terminal configuration finished, so far support only #zsh, bit will support more in near future: bash & fish shell
