Ok, despite the slight brain fog of waning motivation, here's a #BuildInPublic standup for - day 23.
Almost a month in to my Twitter experiment and I gotta say the motivation is waning. Definitely highlights why discipline is better than motivation for achieving consistency. I'm not going to stop the #BuildInPublic efforts, but I do want to be transparent that shit's hard.
Decided to not do #BuildInPublic stand-ups on the weekend. I'm still gonna do my weekend work blocks, but it's nice to not have additional overhead and just vibe on the product.
#BuildInPublic standup for, day 20! So cool that it's almost been a month since I started this little Twitter experiment. Already it's really paid off.
Alright, #BuildInPublic standup for today! Day 19. Things are going super well and I've really enjoyed doing these standups and consistently working on the product.
#BuildInPublic standup for today. Day 18? 19? I mostly do these on the fly, so it's something like that but I'm not stressing the actual number.
#BuildInPublic standup for today: I didn't do much yesterday, ended up way more exhausted than I expected. I'm gonna take today off and just enjoy my Saturday!
Alright alright alright, one more #BuildInPublic standup for y'all on Day 16? I think? Close enough.
Up next: building a very basic poker-playing bot in Ruby. No machine learning or anything, pretty much just a decision tree. We're missing some user conversions because people want to (rightly so) play a test game sometimes before inviting their friends. #buildinpublic
Absolutely wiped out after the off-site this weekend, but excited and emotionally energized. Here's a little #BuildInPublic standup for today
HomeGame Poker off-site this weekend! We got the swag ready! #BuildInPublic
#BuildInPublic standup for

1. What did I do yesterday: finished running integration tests and deployed to Heroku with Ruby 3/Rails 6. I had to stop bundling edge Rails because of an issue with Devise, but we're still pretty up to date.
#BuildInPublic standup for

1. What did I do yesterday: I bumped our Ruby version to 3 and my unit tests seem to be working. Had to upgrade a couple of small gems, but nothing major!