Who is building cool stuff with AI one should follow? #buildinpublic
It's the first iteration of the onboarding flow for the feature.

What do you think? ๐Ÿ˜„ #buildinpublic
I hope you enjoyed the read. Follow for more ๐Ÿš€

There is plenty of work and testing ahead that I will share.

#buildinpublic #iosdev
I love apps that are quickly ready and responsive. Therefore, I can't help to optimize the time for readiness.

I just shaved off 100ms by wrapping some non-critical init stuff in a Task ๐ŸŽ‰ #buildinpublic
Iโ€™m looking for inspiration for landing pages/marketing pages for @wearebornly.

What is your favorite indie dev/maker/app marketing site? ๐Ÿ˜ #buildinpublic
I have recently added a survey to my apps, and getting responses like this makes it all worth it ๐Ÿ˜ #buildinpublic
Time to learn something new.

I have a lot of cool data in my content DB, that I want to use for programmatic SEO. However, Swift is not going to help me much here.

I just saw that @vercel released Next.js 13. Great timing - now to learning #buildinpublic
This week is marketing week for me. I have some ideas I want to test out.

What are you doing this week? #buildinpublic
@matthewskiles And Matthew is just an app icon magician. Creating wonders ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Let me know what you think of it ๐Ÿ˜„

I have updated my Preggy home screen widgets. They were in dire need of a fresh coat of paint.

Here is the before and after. What do you think? #buildinpublic
I love how the back button animates in and out. I think it looks super smooth.

Damn, I love SwiftUI.

The onboarding flow for the new weight tracker feature in Preggy just looks super dope without much effort.

What do you think? #buildinpublic
In the latest Preggy release, I am going to test the events. I haven't tried those before.

Here are the event covers I have created.

I will get back with the results when the app is released.

In the latest Preggy release, I (finally) made time to create lock screen widgets.

Should have done it much sooner - it was easy when already had the home screen widgets implemented.

I amazing how easy it is to create charts with Swift Charts and SwiftUI.

Using the sample code from Apple it was super easy to implement the lollipop drag effect.

I created this little teaser for the weight tracker feature in Preggy.

It simply shows how the feature is used, and I think it's quite cool. It's created with random values every time.

@wearebornly ๐Ÿคฒ I want to share the journey with you, and if you find it interesting, please follow along.

We need all hands on deck to revolutionize health for most โค๏ธ

Just see the difference - what do you think? ๐Ÿ˜„ #buildinpublic #iosdev
@strapijs You can find it in the latest release of the low FODMAP Lifestyle app, and soon in Preggy. #buildinpublic #iosdev #iosโ€ฆ
I know that the context switches can be hard, but I think it just relies on being good at planning work. Don't jump between areas of work in a single day, but dedicate whole days to a single area. #buildinpublic