My #WeChat clone app progress. Single contact display page #buildinpublic
My #WeChat clone app progress. This is moments page #buildinpublic
In cloning #wechat designing this page was not easy for me. Finally did it #buildinpublic
Continue to develop my WeChat clone app in #flutter ✅done chat text input and emoji input
Finished discover and me pages UI screen design in #Flutter for my WeChat clone app
Adding contacts alphabetic scroll search and tool tip #Flutter #buildinpublic WeChat clone
implementing contacts screen in my WeChat clone app in #Flutter
☑️Done the contact list page
☑️Doing the alphabet based searching progress.. good challenge to exercise Stack widget
Today in my WeChat clone app in #Flutter I have done:
☑️designed the Chat tab screen , components
☑️implemented popup menu
☑️developed chat model class , date display formatters
Today I have implemented
☑️dark/light theme state management using bloc
☑️implemented SMS sign in screen
☑️implemented SMS code verification screen
☑️implemented password sign in screen
for my WeChat clone app in #Flutter #buildinpublic
SMS Login
Today I have implemented dark/light theme for my WeChat clone app in #Flutter #buildinpublic
Improved design for Sign Up form for my WeChat clone in flutter app #buildinpublic
WeChat clone #buildinpublic
state management with bloc and generated routes
WeChat clone #buildinpublic
Setting up the project foundation, state management with bloc and generated routes
Today I have finalized
☑️restructuring my flutter project
☑️structured routing using generated routes
I will share my detail writing in my blog
What I learned from reading tutorials, docs and videos on BLoC pattern state management in flutter for my supper app I am building #buildinpublic
Having made some reading flutter state management patterns I have decided to build my #flutter app using #bloc pattern #buildinpublic
☑️it is convenient for reactive and large scale app