#buildinpublic Launch day

Struggling to find the right grads? With GradSmart, we make sure your roles reach the right grads, whilst preventing unsuitable applications.
UK only for now…
#buildinpublic Log Entry #5

Given a Many-to-Many relationship, how would you retrieve the name ONLY for the first relation?

Currently I use this approach (screenshot 2). Can you suggest a more eloquent'y alternative?

@reinink Can the dynamic relationship using subqueries be……
#buildinpublic Log entry #4

Write a winning Personal Summary using the power of #GPT4 on and get matched with jobs you will actually enjoy! #uk #graduatejobs
#buildinpublic Day #3.9 backend code snippet

- Using spatie/laravel-data for nice DTO's
- Builder Pattern
- Counting ONLY the pending matches w/ withCount
- ML autocomplete

#Laravel #livewire
Let's see what #buildinpublic is about

Working on the binned/tabbed overview page with @laravelphp & @LaravelLivewire

Empty state feels a bit too "empty". Suggestions?