Some early testing on an iPhone 6 device... have discovered replaceAll doesn't work on <= iOS 13. Will figure it out as I'm aiming to support at least to 12. Maybe 11?

How low do you go with iOS support?

#buildinpublic #appdevelopment #reactnative
A couple solid coding sessions lately. I have a lovely hubby who, when sensing a familial lull, says, "wanna go code?" 😍

Going to the cottage in a week for a week. Making a list of tasks I can do without internet/stackoverflow 😆

#buildinpublic #appdevelopment
That thing where you aren't marketing/mentioning your app cos "a better version will be out soon" 🙄

#buildinpublic #appdevelopment #MarketingDigital
2 month app sprint while parenting fulltime looks like:
😊clearly separating work & kid time
🌮meal planning & prep
👩🏻‍💻evening coding
🙏🏼taking small moments to check in with myself, feel gratitude

#buildinpublic #appdevelopment #momswhocode
Code I get. Marketing, not so much!

Going to start by focusing on current traffic sources: app store (better images, keywords, description, promos) and instagram (daily content, conmections)

Also: start writing articles each week for future help site.

Sent my last consulting report for the summer and can finally focus on ramping up app stuff! Will be checking in daily-ish! Today: bossing. Scheduling tasks for the week... mostly code. Using @todoist to keep me on track.

#buildinpublic #appdevelopment #summerofheidi
Not booking client work for July/Aug! Will focus on next version of ios app launch and marketing! Then android soon after!


#buildinpublic #relax
Coding around snow days, client work, reading Dune finally, cooking, cleaning, board games, shovelling snow. Threads of algorithms solved away from screen.

#momsWhoCode #buildinpublic
Allowing myself a global variable today.

When you want to go all-in with a #buildinpublic side project but keeping saying yes to client work.
Kiddos finally double vaxxed means they'll be back to school after next week! Looking forward to focused, quiet thinking time. Feb should be better for progress.
Meal planning/prep for some easy wins this week. Feeling a bit down about client work and coding friction but these are still movements forward. #buildinpublic #IndieDevs
Ok react, I see you. Futzing w outdated libraries, cache, unfamiliar error msgs for 2 days is taking the wind out of my sails a bit. But it's Friday! A time to regroup. #buildinpublic
This week has been flow: learning and really liking react native, piecing together the pieces. Brain lit up, body relaxed, spirit light. App skeleton in place. #appdevelopment #buildinpublic
Small subscriber numbers can become big subscriber numbers. #buildinpublic #appdevelopment
Today is setting up my enviro to dev with React Native. With kids home for break, hubby and I split the days to work so I've just got a few hours. Excited to learn another lang and start converting from Swift. Also planning out weekly goals for Q1. #buildinpublic #reactnative