i know you are doing this.

Put in the comments your 🧵 handle

#buildinpublic #threads
A few days ago I posted about my personal project and put the link at the end of the content, and this is the result so far.

I never imagined this would happen. It's little, but for me, that's amazing.

That's the power of Reddit.

What is your favorite feature of Fronted that has streamlined your saas development process?

Do you write tests like E2E and unit tests while you're developing a product?

Or is it something you do after you validate your idea to make sure everything's alright?

Where do YOU advertise your product?

Reddit, Twitter, or somewhere else? 🤔

👋 Need your help! I'm creating a landing page to validate my idea.

What's the one thing I absolutely can't forget to include?

Drop it in the comments below 👇

Share your experiences and growth as an indie hacker.

Here's how to build a SaaS today:

1. Develop something AI-powered.
2. Nail it.

How do you stay productive when you don't feel like working?

Quick question:

Would you use an AI-integrated tweet scheduler?

Where are you using Twitter?

🖥️ Desktop
📱 Phone
