Day 50: Being away for the long holiday, @supabase wisely paused the db instance to save resources. The app was thus down and I didnt know. So today I wrote a small script to call a healthcheck endpoint once a day to avoid this. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 49. After a short break for the holidays, I'm back to work writing documentation for the microbooks API: Today I'm working on the Recycle Bin. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 48. Completed the Exchange Rates and Reporting Period How To Pages. Tomorrow I'll start working on Balances, and possibly also work on the Recycle Bin. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 47. Fixed all tests that were affected by the change in the Exchange Rate model. Now I can get back to writing the documentation of the API. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 46. Finally finished the tests for the Exchange Rates Overlapping, but the model's factory is used so much that I spent the day refactoring the other tests to accommodate the new restrictions. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 45. While writing the docs for Exchange Rates I realized that the validity periods for rates of a Currency should not overlap. So I spent the day writing the code and tests to cover the case. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 44. Nothing much going on, wrote some more documentation. Hoping to finish the first draft within a week or so, then I can start thinking about marketing the MVP to beta testers. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 43. Finally, the API reference docs are live!! 🙌 Feel free to take a look at… and let me know what you think. Now I'll concentrate on finalizing the general docs at located at @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 42. Figured I'd host the non reference docs using @Netlify, but ran into some issues about custom domains. I'll try and solve those tomorrow then get back to postman. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 41. Database all set up and API is responding nicely to requests. Time to register a domain. I chose and used @Namecheap to register it. I'll publish the Postman docs as soon as the domain propagates. @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #buildinpublic
Day 40. As promised, spent the day comparing postgres cloud providers. Selected because 1. Its OSS which is awesome and 2. The extra stuff that comes out of the box are mind-blowing. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping @supabase @madewifsupabase
Day 39. I finally settled on which has a free tier thats perfect for testing. This got me thinking about outsourcing the db too since persisting data in a container is a bad idea. I'll look around on Monday. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping
Day 38. Finally got docker-compose and git done. But then encountered the first problem: Kafka is such a memory hog it can't run on the tiny EC2 instance I'm using to test. Seems I'll have to outsource this part of the infra. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping
Day 37. After comparing a few cloud hosting providers, I decided on aws as I have experience with it and i'm in a hurry. Spent the day setting up docker compose and git on an EC2 instance. It's harder than you'd think. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting
Day 36. Just when I was about to publish the docs, I realized that Postman expects the endpoints to be live. So I started laying the groundwork for deploying the app. I'm torn between heroku and aws. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting
Day 35. All done with the Reports, and with that all the API reference documentation. I'll spend some time tomorrow proofreading, then I'll publish the docs on postman. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting
Day 34. Still on the Assignments, I had to create and test new Transaction endpoints for assignments, both for the assigned and the cleared Transaction. Tomorrow I can start on the last part: Reports #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting
Day 32 - 33. Took a while, but I finally resolved all the issues between Taxes and Discounts. Next I'll start working on Transaction Assignments. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting
Day 31. Run into some problems involving the combination of Taxes and Discounts on the same Line Item. I have several ideas on how to solve them that I'll try tomorrow. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting
Day 30. All done with Line Items. Will move on to Taxes and Discounts tomorrow. #buildinpublic @100dayscode #API #Bookkeeping #Accounting