I decided that my success story should start in 2022.
To make it possible, I'll create a SaaS solution for freelancers (already got an idea 😀)
The goal is to make my first $100 from it by 30 Nov

I decided that my success story should start in 2022.
To make it possible, I'll create a SaaS solution for freelancers (already got an idea 😀)
The goal is to make my first $100 from it by 30/09

Days 26, 27 and 28 of #30DaysOfNode
Continued working on my library management #API.
It is almost done now.

#100DaysOfCode #Nodejs #programming #buildinpublic
Day 25 of #30DaysOfNode
Started working on a library management #API
with #expressjs and #MongoDB.
Here is the link:…

#Nodejs #programming #100DaysOfCode (day 32)