@lowcodekrish I failed yesterday. Got demotivated, procrastinated & stopped yesterday. I am starting again right now in the next 15 mins. I hope I make it before our class at 8.30 :)
#NoCode #buildinpublic #edtech
On the way to the Blog site. Understanding the Logic building & then customizing for your need takes time to create. Learning curve rn. But, it isn't killing me, so I guess it's only going to make me stronger.
#NoCode #nochedeconfesiones #buildinpublic
If there's something I truly care about, it is the improvement of the education space in India.
And that's the core idea of the product I am building through no code platforms.
Help me reach out whilst I build it in public.
#nocode #edtech #nocoderevolution #buildinpublic
I started my No code dev journey on 22/11/21.
Have always been curious to try out business models & ideas. Have also done that with low or no tech requirements.

But when it came to tech, almost always needed support.

Today: Here I come for my help :)
#nocode #buildinpublic