I just upgraded my @Laravel micro-service that converts HTML to PDF from Laravel 9.19 to 10.0. It took me less than 5 minutes.

With the latest update, you can now send and receive chatGPT prompts via

✅ Telegram
✅ Whatsapp

✅ You can now add a custom note with up to 1000 characters in the @hepilohq shopping list app.

✅You can now request a payment link on the whatsapp chatbot. Both French 🇫🇷 and English🇬🇧 is supported

✅ I added support for long responses on the discusswithai bot. If your chatGPT response contains more than 4000 characters, the bot will send it as a txt file attachment via whatsapp.

This is how my free open-source shipping list app
@hepilohq is doing so far.
This is how my free open-source shipping list app @hepilohq is doing so far.

✅ Updated the @hepilohq app to allow shoping list items which are more than 15 characters long after receiving feedback from the play store.
✅ Released v0.0.11 of the lemonsqueezy API client in go
I've got 2142 users on the discusswithai bot so far and they have sent 30,441 prompts. The hype is real. #BuildInPublic
I just added sessions to my WhatsApp chatGPT bot.
The bot can now keep track of your previous messages when generating new replies.
I just added sessions to my WhatsApp chatGPT bot.
The bot can now keep track of your previous messages when generating new replies.
The new @WhatsApp fees are adding up really fast, I've paid more than $6 fees with whatsapp in 24 hours for the discusswithai chatbot.

My whatsapp chatbot just got smarter. What will you like it to do next?

✅ Implemented the /v1/checkout endpoint in the lemonsqueezy API. You can now create a checkout from your server side go code.

My WhatsApp openAI chatbot is costing me $4.05 today. Also got a $5 bill from Google Cloud. It seems to be very popular in Pakistan for some reason

The usage on my whatsapp chatGPT bot keeps increasing, It cost me $3.34 yesterday just for @OpenAI requests.

✅ Added "Terms and Conditions" Page
✅ Added "Privacy Policy" Page
✅ Submitted the sitemap to google search console

✅ Finally finished version 1 of the landing page
