The first email to the very early (and also very few๐Ÿ™ƒ) @fellowdronerHQ subscribers is out. I'm MEGA excited!

#nocode #buildinpublic #droners
Instagram Graph APIs only work with professional accounts, not personal ones.

How to allow users to fetch their IG posts without a pro account?

Scraping Instagram?

#nocode #buildinpublic
next up is to get the @instagram Graph API. this way users can upload all the places they flew at on to the @fellowdronerHQ's map in 1 click ๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ”ง

#nocode #buildinpublic
Also launching the first @instagram campaign. Super small budget just to get initial data. Let's see!

#drone #dji #nocode #buildinpublic
Added custom notifications between @bubble and Google Chat for whenever new users sign-up or create a new post


#drone #dji #nocode #buildinpublic
DNS propagation in progress ๐Ÿงญ

Hopefully tomorrow we have v0.1 of the Fellow Droner webapp up!

#nocode #buildinpublic
Any #drone pilot out there? Working on a platform where it's easy to find amazing locations to fly your drone #crowdsourced. Would love to hear thoughts from other pilots ๐Ÿ™‚
#nocode #buildinpublic
Let's do it! #nocode #buildinpublic
You canโ€™t turn back time โ€” but you can experience #NoCodeConf all over again (or for the first time) ๐Ÿคฉ

So, grab your popcorn and note-taking tools โ€” session recordings are now available on-demand ๐Ÿ“บ

Watch them all:โ€ฆ
Loving the @bubble community. People are really keen to do the extra mile to help others build their apps better and faster! #nocode #buildinpublic