Day 16

1 more UI left to fix for my Todo App, then I can start coding the UI to complete my MVP! Woot!

Day 7

I'm fixing the UI now.

The app only shows you what you need to do on certain time of the day based on your schedules, like work or idle or at the mall to show the todos at the right time you need to remember them.

It's your personal secretary :D #buildinpublic
Day 5

Skeleton for my semi-timeblocking function is coming along nicely :D

With add and delete blocks. Just need to save these to the database left to do. Then I can proceed to the next user stories.

Day 4

Drafted a kind of time blocking system for my app. It's a short code I brainstormed this morning. The time blocking function will be used for something else. 😄 Excited to make it dynamic later to accommodate different dates. #buildinpublic
Day 3 - around 2 hours of coding my MVP

Completed 1 user story. I'm building a complex part of the app next, and because it's an opportunity to learn, I'll be building it from scratch. 😅

Day 2 - Did 45 minutes of coding.

Completed 1 user story today. 4 user stories remaining out of 9. Feeling good :)

Wondering if I should keep on coding tonight, but kind of sleepy.

Day 55 / #100DaysOfCode

Hi everyone! My squares game is ready for MVP production. :) Packaging it now as a usable web app with player mode selection, interfaces, leaderboard scoring.

Excited to have finally reached this point! 😄
Day 34 / #100DaysOfCode

✅ Refactored some functions to OOP.
✅ Successfully chained methods! 🎉😍

Day 29 / #100DaysOfCode

Tracked down a bug. Nothing a little console logging can't track. 😄 Bot kept displaying blank squares, turned out it was picking a bar twice at the end of its turn. Now i just need to make it stop doing that lol

Day 13

Bug solved. Bot now perfectly avoids giving you score early on.

The code to fix it only took a few seconds to write, but the analyzing what was wrong and how best to solve it took a while. 😄

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Day 12

✅Started building a simulator to speed up testing for level 4 ai.
✅Figuring out why bot skips a free bar once in a while
✅and why it stops the simulation on a bad turn when it shouldn't 😅

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Day 11

Here's my working level 1 bot name Totally Random Stranger. 😄 It can crush you, if you let him. lol

✅Refactoring codes
✅Creating reusable codes
✅Cleaning up by putting reusable codes in another file

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Day 10

✅Badly needed refactoring done. 🎉🎉🎉
✅Now have more control of the command flow
✅1 action per line
✅It's a Svelte thing this $a = $a 😅
✅All functions now with returns for easy testing

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Day 9

Today I've got a sort of a level 1 bot. Totally random, still buggy, gives you points sometimes, and sometimes lets you do the point taking for him. A very lazy and generous bot if you ask me.

He could be Level 0. 😂 From bug to feature.

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Day 8

Bug fixing day! Had a lot of bugs that took a while to solve. 😄

✅Added more turn indicator with colors
✅Readjusted codes to solve the bugs
✅Mostly algorithm bugs where things not going as expected.

Should I add online multiplayer mode?

Day 7

Still at it.😄

✅Added Player Scoring
✅Added Winner Announcement

Day 7

Said this was for tomorrow, couldn't help it 😅

✅Added turn indicator
✅Added Color Square scoring

This basically completes Solo & Offline 2 Player Modes.

Will add a simple HUD next and Level 1 Ai opponent

Day 7

Reorganized the codes just to accommodate showing the location of the last move.

Next update tomorrow will be to color code the last move color to indicate which player needs to take the move next

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
One last update before I hit the sack.

✅Set up environment for a solo play mode
✅Still have a few more to add before doing level 1 Ai
✅Level 1 is just a random picker bot opponent

Day 6 - My Version of Squares Game
#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Day 6 :

✅Finally working 😄
✅Some unexpected bugs.😝
✅Inner layout buttons not yet working

Don't know how to fully use flex yet 😂Will explore it more with this app

Check it out here.

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #100daysofcodechallenge