I just started first sales in my b2b startup and got 5 customers from Custdev respondents! #buildinpublic
I just started first sales in my b2b startup and became 5 customers from Custdev respondents! #buildinpublic
I build my startup with partners for the first time. it's awesome — I can don't think about code (f.e) or customer support. I just can think about business building.

Have some custdevs with small & micro business about my new project.

One thing is clear. Sales pisses off the owners, but they can't hire strong salespeople.

This pain I want to solve in my project. #buildinpublic
So, I made the mvp landing page for my b2b sales service. Got a lot of feedback from clients (most of it negative:) But there are some great insights, I'm sure they will help me move this project forward #mvp #b2bsales #buildinpublic