My mouse is malfunctioning so I switched which side the primary is #buildinpublic
Season Two of SS Podcasts is out now get it here -> #buildinpublic
i created my own branded video player and a form to customize the colors #buildinpublic #videoplayer
I won't go into too much detail but pricing plans that can be embedded on any website with payment links that open in a new tab #buildinpublic 👀 😮
I'm gonna have to get this Twitter account verified as well @TweetLingoBot 🫠 because without it being verified no one's gonna see the tweets but I'm not sure how that works on a newly created account 👀 #buildinpublic
Instead of abandoning my Twitter bot idea I just built it using python that I can run from my CMD command terminal #buildinpublic
what is everyone been up to today? let me know in the comments #buildinpublic
Has anyone ever dual booted there PC before? Because I'm gonna try it #buildinpublic 👍
Working on another awesome project so stay tuned #buildinpublic
Protect your business and your customers lock down your websites and stay protected 💯👍🤙 #cybersecurity #buildinpublic
The main page works but any other page doesn't right now because our website is under lock down for the time being should hopefully be back to normal tomorrow I was editing the .htaccess and forgot a few things before turning on site lock #buildinpublic
The SS backend app is for when we are on the go and we aren't near a PC so we can still update the website or publish new episodes on the spot #buildinpublic
So I implemented this and this app is now available to save you even Mooore money 💰 #buildinpublic
And both applications are complete take a look 🙂 #buildinpublic