If you think #BuildInPublic is marketing
... actually do marketing.

Use Sell Daily to find the words that actually make sales!
@yongfook #BuildInPublic Generator 📈

→Generate MRR Announcement
→Generate User Milestone Announcement
→Generate New Feature Announcement

Like a Meme Generator but for posting on Twitter about your project, product, side project, side hustle.

Watch me #buildinpublic

to-do list below 👇

also doing list👇

also done list👇…
@Kamphey @CSMikeCardona Or you could call it ⚛️Atomic Sheets. That's a pretty cool name. It's

➡️ Brandable
➡️ Memorable
➡️ Short
So much of #BuildInPublic fails when you call your shot and don't follow through.

The power in building in public is in showing your work -- sharing the journey.

What that means is that you don't tell anyone about what you're doing until you've done it.

zip up until it's done.
#BuildInPublic and #ShowYourWork doesn't mean you share ideas and only ideas.

Plain old ideas are worth nothing and help nobody, including the idea-er.

If you think "someone will steal my idea" here's the part you're missing:


Doesn't mean share vanilla ideas.
Broke through $900 MRR milestone at the beginning of September with @TryPigeon

Seriously close now to profitability.

Less than $200 to go, or 9 customers.

Last month: Made $1k.
This month: Reinvesting 100% into growth

What would you do?

Here's what I'm doing
- Writing more content
- Making that content better
- Newsletter Ads

what else?…
Considering what to do to do more SEO work this month.

Log into Search Console Insights and find that...

At least Pigeon ranks Top 5 results for SOMETHING. 🤣

10 Types Of Tweets to Promote Your Product Without Shame

🐦MRR Milestone
🐦Revenue Review
🐦User Count Milestone
🐦Usage Milestone
🐦Launch Day(s)
🐦Month in Review
🐦Year in Review
🐦New Feature
🐦New Hires
Better Sheets Community Stats

I update the community numbers in my google sheet every Sunday w/ ☕️ coffee.

Keeping track of
🐦Twitter Followers
📘Facebook Group Members
✉️Substack Readers
📹YouTube Subscribers

The + / % increases based on delta since 2020
