Day 3 of #buildinpublic challenge, as always updates below:
Day 2 of the #buildinpublic challenge! Below are some updates.
Back at it with a #buildinpublic challenge
This month I'm working on gaining a better understanding of biosensors (specifically the technicalities behind actually building them.)
#buildinpublic Day: 30 -31+
- Finalizing and validating idea + outreach for global challenge.
- Published TKS review article.
- Published newsletter.
- Finished the notes for my NLP Notion guide.
#buildinpublic Day: 29
- Looked into existing police accountability methods/systems for global challenge + formulated some new ideas.
- Did some podcast editing and added updates to the website.
#buildinpublic Day 21-28
- Worked with TKS global challenge team on Xprize challenge.
- Started research for a Kaggle competition I'm working with a team on.
- Started learning more about effective altruism (still in the early stages of learning, but it's very interesting.)