Things are just going too slowly... the recent unexpected departure of a founding member of the team has non-trivial impact on everything.

Last week:
- created first twitter account
- starting to #buildinpublic
- launched
- 100% #Serverless ♥️ #AWS & @Netlify

#Ethereum #Solana #NFTs #web3 #nftart
Bad: @nuxt_js 3.x with meta og: and twitter: tags. Only <Head/> and <Meta/> component tags make link previews work; 3 ways in docs, only 1 work.

Worse: @vuepress 2.x SEO - avoid at all costs. Simply maddening.

Positive: publishing with @netlify is incredible

Starting my journey #BuildInPublic to evaluate and grade #NFTs - for creators, collectors, and curators.