Update about Ablyhost

- Got 179 people interested [ into wait-list ]
- Invited 135
- 48 people signed up
- Only 10 have added domains
- 1 trial expired ( 7 Day FREE trial )
- 0 Paid customers
- 0 MRR

Now the product is available to all.

Invited 80 people to try
20 signed up
5 have added domains.

User flow for

- Signup / Login
- Verify DNS
- Add domain

- Signup / Login
- Add domain
- Verify DNS

What about?
- Add domain
- Signup / Login
- Verify DNS

Using you can control these things of any public webpage, you don't own

✅ Domain and URL.
✅ Branding
✅ SEO tags.
✅ Style and fonts.
✅ Content.
✅ Favicon.
✅ Social preview Image.
✅ Add Analytics
✅ Add Chat Widget

Now you can add your domains to without changing the DNS / CNAME 😉

🎉 Wait time is reduced by 50%, maximum 1 minute.

Now its 2x fast.

Whenever a domain is added or updated on it takes some time to reflect that on live.

⏲️ Added this progress bar with timer.

Hope it will make 'waiting' easy!

Trying some programmatic SEO for

Pages are generated automatically.

I am learning @NotionHQ ( as a developer )

What tool you want me to create?

🎉 Got 100 people interested in so far.


You can move webpages on your domain name.

Example, my Calendly link at my domain

Instead of adding more features to your Saas.

Find friction and remove it.

✅ Added guides for 'CNAME configuration' for all the services.

That is the 'only thing' our user needs to do.
Ably does the rest.

Are we missing any?

✅ Added guides for 'CNAME configuration' for all the domain services.

That's the 'only thing' a user needs to do.

Ably does the rest.

Are we missing any? I told you not to do this

#buildinpublic inspires you to add more features?
Whenever a domain is added or updated on it takes some time to reflect that on live.

⏲️ Added this progress bar with timer.

Hope it will make 'waiting' easy!

Very happy to see that SEO started showing some results.

Not much progress on this week but

🎉 Added Cloud9 Code Editor for CSS/JS injections.
