I'm trying to stay focus on the important things for @crondev_io but these icons bother me so much.

Where can I find good looking icons paid or free?
Or how can I make them look better?

Ranking first for the keyword "crondev" 😍
Thanks to the tips from @serpjoy

Time to get site links show up 🚀

Doing backlinks research with @Serpstash 😀

Goal for this week is to increase the numbers

how long does it take twitter to update open graph images? is still stuck on the yellow background 😬

It looks way better than what I imagined

Design is my passion🤓

I wasted too much time on this 😬

Design is my passion🤓

I wasted too much time on this 😬

Sneak peak 🥶🥶🥶

Thanks everyone for the feedback

Hey Indie Hackers,

I need a little help here 😅

A or B 🤔

Hey Indie Hackers,

I need a little help here 😅

A or B 🤔

You know you're not the target customer when you see
"Book a demo" without a pricing page 😂

I quietly pushed a big CronDev update last night.
My entire landing page doesn't make sense anymore 😬

Time to update it 🔥

Big big changes coming this weekend
CronDev V2 🚀

I've been MIA on the bird app for a few days now
- Got sick🤕
- Family stuff 😬

I'm well rested now, so Let's Go🚀

Update: Backend Done 🚀

Upload, schedule, run and monitor your code all on CronDev 🤯

What does that mean for you?

👉Maintain zero servers
👉Spend more time coding 😃
👉Quickly deploy and scale
👉Integrations with other services
👉You get me to work for you😏

Built a backend to programmatically upload and run code on aws lambda.
But, I just discovered that gcp functions might be a better option for my use case🙃

Back to the drawing board I guess😬

- Rant

I would like to apologies to AWS - I've called them out a few times

But holy s**t, GCP has the worst docs I have ever seen

Duplicate and wrong docs everywhere, multiple repo's of the same thing?

You want an example on how to use this?
haha good luck

Built a backend to programmatically upload and run code on aws lambda.
But, I just discovered that gcp functions might be a better option for my use case🙃

Back to the drawing board I guess😬

I am going to build and ship a major feature for over the weekend, hackathon style.

I will share everything here

Hey Indie Hackers,

Do you build the frontend or the backend first?

I'm curious to know other people's workflow 🤔

Here We Go 🚀

Today's goal is to research and prototype.
It would be great day if I can write a line of code.

I am going to build and ship a major feature for over the weekend, hackathon style.

I will share everything here
