💻What do you usually use for business meetings: #Zoom vs. #GoogleMeet and why?

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#buildinpublic #indiehackers #AIassistant #onlinemeetings #AI #transcription #futureofwork
Ok, time to shift gears. After getting 3.6k users (avg 150-200/day) with Zoomscape Ai, it’s time put up a pay wall to see what happens to conversion. 📉📈

#buildinpublic #zoom
Intro video for is getting a facelift. Here's the new script outline...

#buildinpublic #marketing #business #meetings #criticalthinking #zoom
Check out my new project - NFT Backgrounds!

Connect your wallet. Download an image with all of your NFTs. Use it as your Zoom/ desktop background!

#buildinpublic #NFTs #Zoom
Now with that out of the way, I can move on to the stripe API....

Zoom and Bubble connected via oAUTH.
4 Calls only
The app will out Google calendar invites with Zoom URLS's attached after they confirm an apt

#nocode #bubble #apis #oauth #zoom #BuildInPublic #googleCalendar
@harperdbio @margo_hdb and HarperDB MVP Jaxon did it all yesterday for @react @reactjs users. @margo_hdb recorded it. The simplicity in using react with harperDB #reactjs #reactnative #development #DEVCommunity #buildinpublic #dev #javascript #coding #Zoom…

RSVP to code along, build your own app, & see for yourself why HarperDB's new Custom Functions feature is such a big deal! 🤯

#HarperDB #Nodejs #Serverless…
Hundreds of #zoom calls, lots of brainstorming, and relentless collaborative effort have turned #LetsDunch into a reality.

#buildinpublic daily #smallsuccesses
The #pandemic changed my career, and I became an online #event host. I finally got my chance to share the learning from the last year. If you want to become an online event / experience host, here are the 8 things you need to know
#buildinpublic #airbnb #onlineexperience #zoom
We rolled out a #feature to improve the visiblilty of your work patterns via #zoom integration. we believe being mindful about how our time spends is enlightening.

#productivity #developer #buildinpublic #Analytics