Implemented something in Slant it today that I thought was impossible to do in browsers 💪

#buildinpublic #js #webassembly
Fuzzynote has reached #MVP 🎉! #CRDT-backed, local-first, collaborative note-taking.

Given many thousands of hours and part of my soul to building this. Long may it continue 🤞

#buildinpublic #webassembly #golang #productivity #indiehackers
The story of how I lost a morning this week working with browser storage technologies, #webassembly and #golang, and by generally being an idiot, in thread form.
#buildinpublic #programmingWithSam

Not doing great at this frequent tweeting thing. Been lost deep in a #webassembly cave.
The BE/client interface refactor went great though, making good progress building a fzn/#wasm web app. #localfirst #CRDT collab in a browser! Won't run on mobile yet tho 🤔

Finished course on #WebAssembly and #Emscripten
Super excited to pump-up the performance of #zuqa using the newly acquired knowledge.… via @udemy
#makerlife #buildinpublic