Introducing Colorplant - the perfect fusion of art, technology, and nature that will transform your ordinary plant pot into a mesmerizing display of vibrant colors.

#buildinpublic #startups #Vegan
Escape the #Vegan Mindset πŸ₯©πŸ–πŸ—πŸ₯“
#PassportBros #BuildinPublic
#GlobalCitizen #DigitalNomad
The average American eats 55 pounds of beef per year

The average Paraguayan eats 100 pounds of beef per year

A cow weighs 1400 pounds.

2 cows bred for every person each year in PY.

2800 pounds of pure uncontaminated beef per person. Never running out☺️πŸ₯©
Hello everybody πŸ‘‹ I built this website with chatgpt and of course images created by AIπŸš€ I regularly add two articles everyday and I will share analytics next month.

#buildinpublic #ai #vegan #recipes #development