I think it's only the second time in two years that I've heard my M1 Macbook's fan spin.

Which means my laptop knows I'm getting some serious work done 🔥

#buildinpublic #timevision
Jacob: I need to build #timevision fast, it's not rocket science, I should get to coding

Also Jacob: ye, ye, ye, lemme just watch this 37h long YT Flutter tutorial real quick


(To be fair, the tutorial was quite useful 💪)
Not much to show today. Implementing Firebase and crud. It's gonna be a big chunk of work without visible results.

Instead let me share my constantly growing appreciation for all kinds of software developers. Your job is hard. It's good to have you.
#buildinpublic #timevision
"Okay Jacob, you haven't done shit today. You have to think of something super quick to implement so you can show it on Twitter"

Progress is progress I guess

#buildinpublic #timevision
It's so cool to see how quickly you can add functionalities and basic building blocks with code. I feel like a kid playing with Legos

Next steps: database, crud and user inputs

#buildinpublic #timevision