Startups should combine OKR and KPI frameworks as studies show that companies with both have a 33% higher likelihood of achieving their goals. #startupstrategy #OKR #KPI #entrepreneurship #buildinpublic #indiehackers
The average person uses 10 apps a day! We need more startups like Zapier that foster interoperability. Maybe more industry focused startups that can connect people to their work stacks.

#buildinpublic #startupstrategy #SaaS #b2b
It's available on all major podcast plaforms.

Check out the video below for a snippet of the latest episode of T2P.

And here's a link to book a startup strategy session

#startup #startupstrategy #buildinpublic #marketing #podcast #startuppodcast
I tried out TikTok's text-to-image A.I background generator and here's what it thinks a dark content marketing village looks like.

Plus I talked a bit about #creativecontentmarketing

#buildinpublic #contentmarketing #SaaS #solopreneur #startupstrategy
My thoughts on the future of content. In addition to cryptocurrencies, web 3 has lots more to offer

#startup #startupstrategy #buildinpublic #content #contentmarketing
No matter how disruptive your brand and marketing activities are, they mean little to nothing if your product doesn't walk the talk.

#startup #startupstrategy #buildinpublic #TCA #CreativeMarketing #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #brandstrategy #demandgen
We're starting a series that'll teach you how to inspire your audience into advocates of your brand. It begins with having a solid vision.

#startupstrategy #bootstrap #buildinpublic #creativemarketingagency #marketing #TCA #TheContentAdvocates #startup #digitalmarketing