Next on deck @TrenderTag is sentiment analysis by platform. This is a super powerful feature and will allow brands to engage with all things good (and bad). #MachineLearning #artificialintalligence #buildinpublic
We're proud to be working with @GetAltrd to build the newest version of's website.

You can start trending as a FREE beta user today.

#socialengagement #socialmedia #sociallistening #ui #ux #webdesign #buildinginpublic #buildinpublic
I have it set up so it would send me whatever it finds every 15 minutes. I need to know 😂#buildinpublic #sociallistening platform. #indiehackers, would love some feedback, working on @socialhose.
Small product and not sure how social listening helps you? Search for mentions of your bigger competitors with @notifier_so. Find out what they are doing wrong. Market yourself as an alternative. #marketing #socialmediamarketing #sociallistening #buildinpublic
We fixed issues today that were causing were causing Searcher match counts to not be as accurate. Going forward expect more of a focus on accessing your results in the dashboard rather than in your inbox. #buildinpublic #MarketingTwitter #sociallistening