What do you think of this template for a really simple notification email?

I want the focus of the email to always be the reason for it, so I don't want to make it too pretty or distracting, as the idea is to not get these emails!

#buildinpublic #laravel #sneakpeak
I made an incredibly restrictive writing tool. You can't even delete. Or use the arrow keys... or format. So what can it do? #sneakpeak #buildinpublic #writers #editors #bloggers #creativewriting (1/4) 🧵
#sneakpeak at just 1 feature of my #platform. I'm taking what good brokers already do mickey moused and manual and automating/simplifying it to help the overlooked get over that 20% line thus taping into that $1.6T loan origination untapped market. #buildinpublic
Do the cucumber eyes work? @RubrixCrew are getting a bit of spare treatment today 😂

#buildinpublic #BehindTheScenes #SneakPeak #NftArtCollection
Here's a sneak peek of what's happening with @AstramindHQ 👀

✅Timeline feature for multiple projects
✅Build in Public posts in the timeline
✅Collaborate with team

🔜Launch coming soon in a few weeks!

#buildinpublic #SneakPeak