Been 2 weeks since last touching the #FlutterFlow project. Having to handle some personal matters broke my dev mojo. As promised, setting aside fixed hours per day to try and get this product out to meet my deadline. Here I am finishing up a design on #sketch #buildinpublic
Love visualising these ideas into small and digestable content!

#sketch #illustration #design #life #startup #buildinpublic
Joanna was once in a motorcycle accident and since then, half of her upper lip is artificial and can't move. Her partner says she's still beautiful.


by @LariNiehl
#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui
Meet James! James has not had it easy; his mother died when he was only 9 and his father went to war shortly after. He dreams of becoming an actor one day.


by @LariNiehl
#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui
This is Thomas. Although people often think he's in a bad mood, truth is, he just like to think a lot about things and approach the world in a serious way.


by @LariNiehl
#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui
This is Daniel - he became famous as a movie actor as a kid. Sometimes he wishes he'd had a normal low-fi suburb childhood...


by @LariNiehl
#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui
Franz Wendel grew up as the only child surrounded by women who's husbands had gone to war. Today he is a well-respected theologist and author. (Also my grandfather, and has his birthday today!)


by @LariNiehl
#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
There's a beauty to making something really basic (like a felt tip drawing on an old piece of paper) suddenly scalable.

by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui
#4 day of my artbook
Here a renaissance building I truc to learn to make batiment and background
#dessin #drawing #art #sketch #artwork #artbook #book #renaissance #buildinpublic
"The monsters turned out to be just trees..."

(Three to go until the first hundred! I'm still convinced I will be able to make it to 1000...)


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui @taylorswift13
"Who run the world...?"
Watched "Homecoming" this week and am still thinking about it. So beautiful. Maybe I will make a "Homecoming" Faces Pack.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart #webdesign #design #userinterface #ui @Beyonce
Oh how will this sequence end? Day 10 of my #buildinpublic is over and i fixed a few bugs and am Hard working to start an beta release soon. #indiegame #mobilegame #gamedev #mobilegamedev #indiedev@buildinpublic_#illustration #sketch #ArtistOnTwitter #artist
"Hi, I'm Henriette!" Henriette wants to work in Tech and is currently learning Frontend Development.


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Alois is a concert pianist and has to deal with a lot of performance pressure. Do you know anything plant-based that could help him sleep at night?


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Meet Gunther! Gunther is super in love with a customer who regularly comes to his coffeeshop, but she doesn't seem to care...


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Meet my friend Bert! Bert has discovered bouldering for himself and is getting stronger week by week.


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Gustav. His daughter is getting married next week and he still needs a present!! Any tips...?


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Meet Chrissy. She's always loved horseback riding and is going to adopt her own horse in summer, a Haflinger!


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
"We're not human beings, having spiritual experiences. We're spiritual beings, having a human experience." -Wayne Dyer


#illustration #ui #userinterface #human #draw #sketch #buildinpublic #digitalart
Meet Wolf! Wolf just had his master exam in solo violin and got a straight A. The nerves that cost, though! He lost like 4 kilos.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Toni. She works in Tech and has raised 14 kids! Foster children, you see, she is part of an SOS-Kinderdorf.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Trish. Trish used to be Tristan, but since she became Trish, her entire system fell into better balance and she's been calmer, happier, and nicer since, and finally in her strength.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Madeleine is trying to get pregnant - exciting, right? What if she's not ready, but also, who is ever ready?? What if she drops the kid or something?? (I try to tell her that won't happen.)


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Lucy, she's a vet and soul singer. Lucy has so many pets that she had to buy the neighbor out of his garden.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Ludwig is a very short, very skinny man. He wished more women would see the superman side of his character, instead of always friend-zoning him.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Anwar. Anwar is currently very much in love with two people AT THE SAME TIME. First time that has happened to him. Is that even possible, and why is life so weird??


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Laurent. He's fluent in Swiss, German, French, Englisch and Spanish. Living in the city is hard for him, as all his hobbies involved mountains and snow...


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Meet Paula! Paula has always had her own idea about things. For example, she eats noodles with cinnamon and curd.


by @LariNiehl

#illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Mia. Mia is dyslexic and is fighting for better ways of schooling dyslexic children.


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Eleonore works at a primary school as a day hime teacher, but now she has to take a break as she was diagnosed with breast cancer... Good thing Eleonore has always been an optimist and a fighter.


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
This is Jeanette! Jeanette can be a workaholic sometimes, but she's trying to balance things better - any strategies?


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Leo is a starting his own business as a spiritual coach. He loves humans and he's confident that the career change will be make him super happy.


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Say hi to Gavin! Gavin is getting a kidney transplant next week and is trying to rest and distract himself in order not to get too nervous.


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Meet Vanja! Vanja is learning English with 'Pimsleur' and is already able to converse in a shop. (What language would you learn if you could pick one?)


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Say hi to Theresa! Theresa hates her actual job but loves her volunteer job in refugee aid. (She wished someone paid her for that.)


by @LariNiehl #illustration #buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart
Hey there, meet Catherine! Catherine is an actress, producer, screenwriter, and mom of two.

Custom illustration! @reitcatou
( honor my favorite, favorite series. @WorkinMoms)


by @LariNiehl

#buildinpublic #drawing #sketch #digitalart