Selling tip #1: Helping someone save even $100 with your tool is worth much more than the cost.

#buildinpublic #selling #nocode #indiehacker #100DaysOfCode
Selling tip #1: If you save someone $1000 with your tool, he/she will happily pay $100 for it.

#buildinpublic #selling #nocode #indiehacker #100DaysOfCode
Selling tip #1: If you save someone $1000 with your tool, he/she will happily pay $100 for it.

#buildinpublic #selling #nocode #indiehacker #100DaysOfCode
This hits the primal brain.

Relatable problem -> Imagine it worsening if nothing changes -> Present relief to problem

Something simple yet helps with selling/storytelling.

Will internalize it. Thanks Justin!

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #selling
A 5-step formula to 10x your copywriting skills:

#BuildInPublic πŸ‘‰ Already built a couple of #nocode products... Now, I need to learn the art of #selling... #Making is just the first step in a #SaaS journey...