#buildinpublic #amazonfba #GPT4 #sellers
AI is taking off! How brand Sellers can leverage the power of ChatGPT4
technology? Introducing Chatgpt For Amazon & Shopify Chrome Extension.
🎉 Day 16, installs: 15,000+ 🚀
Daily new users: 1,000+ 🔥

Growth channels:
✅ TT

Next steps:
1️⃣ Expand to more platforms: Shopify, Walmart
2️⃣ Paid conversions & platform partnerships

#Amazon #sellers
#GPT4 #ChatGPT #ecommerce #FBA
🎉 Day 16, installs: 10,000+ 🚀
Daily new users: 1,000+ 🔥

Growth channels:
✅ AMZ KOL & community

Next steps:
1️⃣ Expand to more platforms: Shopify, Walmart
2️⃣ Paid conversions & platform partnerships

#Amazon #sellers
#GPT4 #ChatGPT #ecommerce #FBA
📈 Internet Acquirer Alert 📈

Strategic Incumbent | SaaS expertise

Seeking SaaS businesses 🔍

Find them at

#acquisition #businessforsale #internet #startups #buyers #sellers #BitsForDigits #privateequity #entrepreneur #SaaS