We've built a robust data system at @usermaven that can handle 15,000 events per second using Rust, Kafka and ClickHouse.

Blog post coming soon.

#rustlang #buildinpublic #kafka #clickhouse #SaaS
Have firmly resumed the Zero to Production in Rust, with Axum, adventure. Made good progress today, venturing into Chapter 10.8 and starting a couple of side quests (Askama templates and an assets directory for CSS).… #rustlang #zerotoprod #buildinpublic
📢 Calling developers! 🚀 Ready for new frontiers? Join me exploring…, an early-stage, cutting-edge tech. 🌱

Seeking bold souls to test and give feedback. Reach out for this thrilling journey. 🤝

#rustlang #javascript #fullstack #sqlite #buildinpublic
This is my tech stack 🐘🦀. Few SQL lines + open source tools and I get a running API. @owldutyhq is built on top of the rust lib Grillon, which I also use to run end-to-end tests and assertions against PostgREST here. Eat your own dog food.

#PostgreSQL #buildinpublic #rustlang
Front-end dev? Is your 📂node_modules folder taking up space like a digital black hole?

Mine used a whopping 21.17G🤯 until I built a tool(#rustlang ) to check it. Now I'm one step closer to freeing up space🧹.

How much space is your node_modules taking?
#60daysofpolkadot Day 11: Learnt about probably the most important concepts of #rustlang
@Polkadot @blockchainedind #buildinpublic #web3 #pokdotdevbootcamp #60daysofcode #blockchain
#60daysofpolkadot Day 12: Learnt about few other concepts of #rustlang
🔵Smart Pointers
🔵File I/O
🔵Generic Types
🔵Iterators & Closures
🔵Package Manager
@Polkadot @blockchainedind #buildinpublic #web3 #pokdotdevbootcamp #60daysofcode #blockchain
#60DaysOfPolkadot day10: Learnt some additional concepts of #rustlang like conditionals, loops, tuple, collection, hashmap, vector, module etc
Attended live workshop on associated type vs generics @blockchainedind @Polkadot #buildinpublic #web3 #60daysofcode #polkadotdevbootcamp
#60DaysOfPolkadot Day9: Learnt about some basic things in #rustlang like scalar types, variables, constants, strings and operators etc. Variables in rust are immutable by default, 'mut' keyword is for creating a mutable one.@Polkadot @blockchainedind #buildinpublic #web3
#60DaysOfPolkadot Day8: Started learning #rustlang and ran my first 'Hello World!' program in rust today. Curious to know how It ensure memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. @blockchainedind @Polkadot #buildinpublic #polkadotdevbootcamp
#60DaysOfPolkadot Day8: Started learning #rustlang and ran my first 'Hello World!' program in rust today. Curious to know how It ensure memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. @blockchainedind @Polkadot #buildinpublic #polkadotdevbootcamp
🎉 I’ve been working on a fun daily quiz app for #programmers. I’ll release it very soon!

❔Any tips on where to publish it and make it known?

#buildinginpublic #buildinginpublic @buildinpublic #golang #rustlang #php #laravel
Do you think Rust will eventually take over Python in terms of popularity?

#buildinpublic #python #pythonprogramming #rust #rustlang
The second blog article about porting UMLBoard to @TauriApps is out now!

This time, I investigate how the database backend could be ported to Rust by using @SurrealDB and BonsaiDb.
Please see the post for more details:

#rustlang #buildinpublic…
Why is every other post on my timeline saying: 'You use #ChatGPT? Wait until you find out about these 20 unknown weird #ai applications [that are probably using ChatGPT #APIs in the background]!'?

#devops #Kubernetes #golang #rustlang #rust #buildinginpublic…
Our Discord community is the perfect place to share your Rust ML journey 🚀 Let's create a thriving, collaborative environment! #rustlang #machinelearning #buildinpublic
Open-sourcing my Rust ML projects 🌟 Encouraging collaboration and learning from the amazing Rust community! #rustlang #machinelearning #buildinpublic
Absolutely loving @zero2prod so far! I'm really excited to create my own apps in Rust once I'm done.

Any fellow Rust enthusiasts out there building their startups? Let's connect! #buildinpublic #rustlang
Recently played a bit with @TauriApps and Rust to check how UMLBoard could be moved from Electron to Tauri.
As a first step, I tried to port UMLBoard's current IPC messaging system.
Please check this post for more details:

#rustlang #buildinpublic…
Last bit of work on remotehut - Still lots to go but we have data in the right places, jobs posting, listing and filtering. The UI is starting to take shape as well.

I got lost in #rustlang a few times around async and made my errors better.

For my very first significant contribution to #opensource, I have committed myself to develope a fault-tolerant key-value database with #rustlang. I'll post weekly updates here, but you can follow the development at

I'm excited for this stream cause it will be the last before I get Twitch Affiliate Status!

Thanks for everyone who has tuned in and helped me get here!

Today's stream will be #BuildInPublic with Peek! The fullstack #rustlang web app we are working on!
Currently working on a simulation "game-y" project for fun that I hope would attract some hopefully playful social interactions from Leyteños. It's still in *very* early stages. Will be making it in #rustlang. Can't wait to share more as things progress. #buildinpublic
Ask three questions before you starting up you business,

- Why people should care?
- How your business would help them?
- How much I would get paid for this idea?

#startups #Building #buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #javascript #Python #rustlang #entrepreneur #indiedev #indie
It’s all about being patient, confident in your vision and belief. As long as your business is going to be useful for people it won’t fail cheers 🍻

#startups #indiedev #javascript #Java #Python #rustlang #indiedev #indie #buildinpublic #Building #buildinginpublic
Value is created when a person makes something useful and shares it with the world. That's why we #OpenSource our #AI powered #testing automation infrastructure…

#buildinpublic #javascript #PHP #Python #rustlang #startups #indie
#rustlang is really a concise programming language to create an array it's very simple. example:

fn main(){
let x = ["Just", "setting", "up" ,"my", "twttr"];
print!("{} {} {} {} {}",
x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]);
#buildinpublic #buildsell30
I was able to learn #rustlang in 2 weeks but I found all the online courses difficult to understand with my experience in coding it helps me but for a beginner in coding it will be difficult
#buildinpublic #buildsell30
I needed to inject #rustlang to develop an application in #Python problem I did not know how to develop in #rustlang #buildinpublic #buildsell30
I needed to inject #rustlang to develop an application in #Python problem I did not know how to develop in #rustlang #buildinpublic #buildsell30
Announcing my new cryptography crate for @rustlang - rusty_paseto: Secure stateless PASETO tokens…
Thanks for having a look!

#buildinpublic #rustlang #paseto #security
We just made our MVP open to the public on Github - an open-source alternative to Notion built with Flutter and Rust. Here is the repo:…
It's at a very early stage, but we'd love to hear your thoughts.
#buildinpublic #rustlang #OpenSource #flutterdev
A #buildinpublic update: I have written/recorded rust code that will be convered over four up-coming videos. They will be edited for clarity and brevity before publication.

#rustlang #webdev

Topics 👇
CoDailychalleng: RT @akkorocorp: Merging this and releasing AssemblyLift 0.3.2 later today!…
#OpenSource #BuildInPublic #RustLang
Foundation put in place for my side project api.
I also have the boilerplate code for the crates.
Only got about 10 minutes in today, next time i will add the Dockerfile and setup a build pipeline.

#buildinpublic #rustlang #GraphQL

✅DAY LOG #22

🔖Learning more #rustlang for a future project

🎨Designed a bit of the landing page for Slate

Share your #daylog!

#buildinpublic #coding #webdev #programming #javascript #webdesign #uiux #uidesign #Software #graphicdesign
🛠️DAY LOG #21

🧑‍💻Started learning #rustlang for a side project to my main projects

🐞 Tested and fixed bugs in Slate

📦 And created the final build for it!

Share your #daylog!

#buildinpublic #coding #webdev #programming #javascript #webdesign #uiux #uidesign #Software
Started learning @rustlang for a future project that I can't wait to get started on!

#rustlang #programming #Coding #buildinpublic #indiedev
Working on the cover for my new @SlipApp course... thoughts?
#buildinpublic #rustlang
Made some changes to the landing page @AppStormy . If you are haunted by slow compile time do take a look at
#buildinpublic #rustlang #DevOps #development #performance
I am under active development. I will help you speed your compile-time by 70%. Do check the website

#buildinpublic #rustlang #javascript #Android
We support port forwarding. Making us one step closer to become the most seamless terminal for developers. #buildinpublic #rabans #rustlang #compile #speedup
I let this refactor get way too big so now that all the API-breakage errors are fixed, I have wave after wave of borrow-check errors to look forward to 🙃

#RustLang #BuildInPublic
🦀To all the @rustlang lovers.

🚀Soon you could deploy your application with one click with

Excited! 😁

#rustlang #DEVCommunity #buildinpublic
💪Finally figured out a good way to cache @rustlang builds.

🤯The first (bottom) one is the first build; every other build uses the cached crates.

🚀If you don't change the Cargo.toml, you will have a super-fast deployment!

#BuildInPublic #DEVCommunity #rustlang