We have tried Reddit Ads for BrandFort, so that you don't have to. That's the post of our Ad:……

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#buildinpublic #indiehackers #redditads
Reddit ads update:

💰 Daily Spend: $5
🗓 Days running: 23
💲 Total spend: $55.77
👀 Impressions: 259,503
👨‍💻 Clicks: 737
💵 CPC: $0.07
⭐️ Free Trial Starts: 6
🥅 Sign ups: 0
🥂 Return on spend: $0.00

#Redditads #BuildInPublic #iosdev #SaaS
Reddit ads update:

Switched off the “Expand Targeting” option to try and optimize my ad spend.

Result: Killed my spend, apparently this feature was doing a lot.

Insight: I should try upping my bid for the subreddits I’m targeting.

#Redditads #BuildInPublic #iosdev #SaaS