Sometimes look at different segments of your product's audience

Each of them has different wants and needs

Better to start with the basics:
- Country
- Device type / OS / browser
- Device memory (if mobile)
- Device lang

#buildinpublic #ProductMgmt #Product
Everyone wants to help on Twitter and I'm no exceptionπŸ‘Š

Sharing #productmanagement experience, useful tips & resources, support other users & projects....

How can I do more for this community? What you do for this?

#buildinpublic #help #advice #Product #ProductMgmt
Hello guys,

Today, launched a new version of

You are now able to use AI to write your user story !!!

#prodmgmt #ProductMgmt #buildinpublic #userstory

Completed building 90%, after making it 100% i will launch the beta versionπŸ’₯(anyway within few days). Any launch suggestions?.

#buildsell30 #ProductMgmt #product #startup
If you were a ride hailing platform, would you like to visualise your roadmap like this?

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #productmanagement #ProductMgmt
Chatted with a bunch of engineers and PMs. Biggest pain point seems to be visualising roadmap. JIRA is painful for this so we’re going to double down on that for Will post a demo later today ✌🏽

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #ProductMgmt
Even in a product-led growing company, if you're only building products, being successful will be just a dream. You should work, show, distribute and sacrifice!

#buildinpublic #productmgmt #productledgrowth
The north star of a digital product company is product management and vision. You always know where and how they should be. It should shine the brightest so that you can see it. Seeing it clearly will help you to stay on your path always.
#buildinpublic #ProductMgmt #product #PLG
Had a really fun time redesigning these sites for @typedreamHQ! Thank you to everyone who replied πŸ™Œ & thanks @bentossell πŸ™

I'll check more sites over the week ❀️

#webdesign #webdevelopment #nocode #buildinpublic #100DaysOfNoCode #ProductMgmt #portfolio #learninpublic #webdev…
Share a link to your website and the @typedreamHQ team will pick 3 to rebuild/redesign πŸ”₯
We released several NEW FEATURES over the past few weeks - thanks everyone for your requests and support!β™₯️
Check out our Official Changelog:

#webdevelopment #nocode #buildinpublic #100DaysOfNoCode #ProductMgmt #learninpublic #webdev
Just released our Changelog ⚑️πŸ”₯

Of course, we had to follow the cool kids πŸ˜‰
@vercel @linear @raycastapp

Do you know anyone else with this style?
