T-10 Days ⏳
Crafting a stunning about section for mobile devices! ✨✨
Leveraging Framer Motion and clever CSS tricks, I've enhanced the menu presentation. Stay tuned for the big reveal! 💥💼

#UX #MobileDesign #FramerMotion #buildinpublic #reactjs #PortfolioDay #dev #aws
Gratefull for first message on my portfolio website

...(happy sad noises)
#PortfolioDay #devlog #javascript #buildinpublic
portfolio ui design concept

I just started learning about interactive components using figma

Your feedback will be appreciated

#uxdesign #uidesign #PortfolioDay #buildinpublic #appdesign #BlackTechTwitter #Casestudy
I just updated my portfolio It was really important to me to start sharing the work I've been doing in the past. Check it out! Give me some honest feedback #buildinpublic #Website #PortfolioDay