Super late post but I managed to sum up the energy to code the coin flip and the screen.

If you're wondering what I used to create that lovely retro pixel look.... (repeating-linear-gradient 🤫)

#buildinpublic #pokemon
Les 12 thèmes officiels de #PokeCollect se montrent enfin ! Quel est votre préféré? #Pokemon #V2 #buildinpublic
En ce moment je suis sur la page de profil, et je m'amuse bien! Y a encore quelques détails à peaufiner, mais le rendu est génial! #PokeCollect #V2 #Pokemon #buildinpublic
I continued to work on

I will change the name next week.

I deleted the domain filter because it caused some issues.

I added 2 new filters, "Languages" and "Grades"

If you want to search for a #pokemon card with a grade PS10 you can now!