Me: Oh ye project manager, don't break down. Get some rest, the project would be a success.
Can I hear a loud Amen?😂
#PM #projectmanagement #paralearn #buildinpublic
#Planning to write a few #Product Specs for my side #projects. As an engineer never done this before. Going to be a #learning experience.

Do you write spec for your projects? or Jump straight to building?
#buildinpublic #nocode #pm #dev #build
#ProductManagement Are you using a type of testing for your #product? A/B testing & #Prototyping each have their place but how do you which one to pick? Check out this #blog to learn how to pick the right testing process…

#NoCode #pm #BuildInPublic
Hey everyone! I'm working on a resources' directory for product managers.
These resources are useful for planning and launching
products and validate ideas.

Would you like to get it?

#startup #pm #indiehackers #buildinpublic