Can our simulated car stop to avoid crashing?

Using #threejs raycaster as virtual ultrasonic/distance sensor. #Python with @pyodide to control the car in the browser!

@BehindEng #buildinpublic #electronics #hardware #engineering #r3f #javascript #React #webgl @pyodide #physics
🚗 Car + 👀 Raycast/Virtual Ultrasonic Sensor = 😌 Object Avoidance

Using #threejs raycaster as virtual ultrasonic/distance sensor. #Python / @pyodide to control car!

@BehindEng #buildinpublic #electronics #hardware #engineering #threejs #r3f #javascript #React #webgl #physics
Mecanum car controlled by #Python driving in #physics simulator within the browser!

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@BehindEng #buildinpublic #electronics #hardware #engineering #threejs #r3f #javascript #React #webgl @pyodide
Spot-like robot doing the worm

Testing #physics simulations with joints/constraints in the browser.

#buildinpublic #engineering #threejs #r3f #javascript #React #webgl #robotics #robots Cannon-ES
Learn electrical #engineering & software development online
1️⃣ Select & connect #hardware parts
2️⃣ Program with #Python
3️⃣ Simulate #electronic circuits & #physics
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@BehindEng #buildinpublic #threejs #r3f #javascript #React
🚅 From model to dynamic physics objects in ~5 seconds* with V-HACD for web ⚡

*Results may vary 😜

Model used: Zombie Car from…

#buildinpublic #rapier #r3f #physics
*Updates to V-HACD for web*
👉 Try it now:
✅ Button to export JSON for approximated convex hulls, so you can use with Cannon and #Rapier #physics.
I'll provide docs to help you use this JSON data soon.
✅ Improved UX, control labels, etc.
In quantum physics the act of observation makes something real. Do you think that it is the same in #startup #business. When a lot of people see you business it becomes real?

#buildinpublic #physics #indiedev #investing #Founder #vc #Automation
We're building a tutoring community, watch this video if you want to be a part of it.

#Tutoring #community #MCAT #chemistry #physics #Biology