Want to make your process more efficient? Here's a tip: break it down into smaller steps and focus on one task at a time. You'll be surprised at how much faster you can get things done!

#office #startup #sidehustle #sideproject #buildinpublic
Today we're working from Downtown San Diego, and checking out space for our first #office! After trying remote and #hybrid, we've found in-person #productivity to be the best. Given our product, this just makes sense. 😉 #TatemIRL #rto #buildinpublic
Them: I want to go back to the
island 😭

Me: I think the volcano is a better
cultural fit for you ðŸĪĢ

#Sweepstakes #Contests
#buildinpublic #growthhacking
#NFT #SMS #SMSMarketing
#office #wfh #jobs
#peas #vegetables
Them: We're so loco we yell
at remote workers ðŸ’ŧ
on Zoom 😜ðŸĪŠ

Me: Breh you know I
just turned down the volume ðŸ”―
on my computer right? ðŸĪĢ

#Sweepstakes #Contests
#100daysofcode #GrowthHacking
#SMS #SMSmarketing #office
#NFT #NFTCommunity
#peas #vegetables
Me: I love how we had
about dumb, illogical sh*
NOT to do at work
and then you followed
it like a blueprint

Them: We thought
we could trick you ðŸĪŠ

Me: 😂

#Sweepstakes #Contests
#buildinpublic #office
#wfh #SaaS #100DaysOfCode
#peas #vegetables
Adulting is realising Gmail has more daily usage than social media.
@COLABSPK love the way they're bringing the world closer together and putting back the human factor in work!ðŸ”Ĩ🚀

Coming to Islamabad soon! Stay Tuned!

#startup #tech #pakistan #coworking #space #coworkingspace #office #community #entrepreneur #communitybuilding #buildinpublic