
Après des heures d’amusement, mon projet Pokedex est terminé.

Vous pouvez aller découvrir ça ici

Je suis tellement satisfait du résultat, hésitez pas à partager☺️

Let’s go sur le prochain projet…

#buildinpublic #nuxtjs #pokedex
Olalala je viens de faire fonctionner ma première view transitions API sur mon pokedex, enfin !!!

La dernière touche d'animation sur mon pokedex va être 🔥🔥🔥

#pokedex #buildinpublic #nuxtjs
C’est parti je suis de retour sur le Pokédex

Ce soir je vous présente les animations sur le changement de page de pokemon

Animation de changement de couleur de type + animation de swipe de l’image du Pokémon selon la direction du swipe

#buildinpublic #tailwindcss #nuxtjs #gsap
Allez je vous montre un truc pas très visuel.
Le swipe sur la page d’un pokemon.
Swipe sur l’image d’un pokemon pour aller au précédent/suivant.
Swipe sur la partie infos d’un pokemon pour changer d’onglet.

A essayer ici ➡️

#buildinpublic #nuxtjs
Petit travail d’animation sur la home de mon Pokédex. On avance petit à petit

#pokedex #buildinpublic #nuxtjs #tailwindcss #gsap
Ca avance encore sur les animations de la page d’un pokemon.

La prochaine étape ? Je vais jouer avec le swipe normalement, c’est le seul indice que je donne 😉

#buildinpublic #pokedex #nuxtjs #tailwindcss #gsap
Et un nouvel aperçu des animations sur les onglets de la page d’un pokemon

Avant ➡️ A gauche
Après ➡️ A droite

#buildinpublic #tailwindcss #nuxtjs #gsap
This website I did in some weeks ago, and I've back to make all it metrics to 100 in Will google love it, and deliver more in SEO? 🤩🥳

#seo #lighthouse #pagespeed #buildinpublic #nuxtjs
Decided to use by @tailwindcss instead of Vuetify.

Much simpler, easy to do color mode, more control and customization since it is headless!

Here is a ListBox.

#nuxtjs #buildinpublic
J'ai posté la v1 de mon pokedex hier soir, il a dépassé les 10000 vues déjà.

A mon échelle c'est ouf 😍🔥😍

Merci pour vos retours 👍

#buildinpublic #pokedex #nuxtjs
Let’s go catch them all.

Voici la V1 de mon projet Pokedex, pour rappel :
NuxtJs, Pinia, Tailwindcss, Typescript, PokeApi, du Fun !


Partagez, kiffez, on n’a jamais trop de Pokemons dans la vie 😍

#nuxtjs #tailwindcss #pokedex #buildinpublic
Let’s go catch them all.

Voici la V1 de mon projet Pokedex, pour rappel :
NuxtJs, Pinia, Tailwindcss, Typescript, PokeApi, du Fun !


Partagez, kiffez, on n’a jamais trop de Pokemons dans la vie 😍

#nuxtjs #tailwindcss #pokedex #buildinpublic
Hello. Après un grand weekend prolongé en famille à Lille, quelques jours malades, j'ai enfin pu finir ce que je voulais pour la v1 de mon pokedex. Donc ça devrait arriver bientôt 😱

Bon weekend à vous !!!

#buildinpublic #pokedex #nuxtjs #tailwindcss
One screen to go to finally show a % number 😅 #buildinpublic #nuxtjs
Made this composable to go back to the previous page when there is no browsing history.
Was it completely unnecessary? @mrleblanc101
#buildinpublic #nuxtjs
Premiers essais avec Nuxt Content ce midi pour avoir localement les données au lieu d'appeler l'API.

Ça faisait un moment que je voulais tester ce package.

Ça marche très bien (en local) , en prod ça crash une fois sur 2 🥲.
Il faut que je creuse ça.

#buildinpublic #nuxtjs
J'ai mis en ligne la v1 de mon pokedex ça y est. J'ai encore quelques petites modifs de détails qui ne me plaisent pas à 100% et je vous partage ça après.…

#buildinpublic #tailwindcss #nuxtjs #pokedex
Bon je crois que tout ce que je voulais faire sur la v1 de mon pokedex est terminé

Prochaine étape ➡️ mettre en ligne et faire tester à quelques personnes pour avoir des retours avant de vous montrer tout ça 🔥

#buildinpublic #pokedex #tailwindcss…
Je sais pas si je vais la garder dans le lot 2 où je rajouterais les animations mais j’ai fait une petite page de loading le temps de fetch toutes les données de la PokeApi.

#pokeapi #buildinpublic #tailwindcss #nuxtjs #pokedex
Il semblerait que le nouveau composant de mon Pokédex soit terminé. A chaque fois qu’on se rend sur la homepage, un pokemon random est mis en avant

PS: Je sais plus si je vous avait montré le nouvel icône en haut à droite

#nuxtjs #tailwindcss #pokedex #buildinpublic
Encore une nouveauté sur le Pokédex ce soir, j’ai rajouté les lieux de rencontre de chaque pokemon dans la génération 1 des jeux.

Petite vidéo, qui montre aussi une petite restructuration de la fiche d’info d’un pokemon

#pokedex #buildinpublic #nuxtjs #pinia #tailwindcss
Allez la petite avancée du weekend.

Les pages Abilities et Items sont terminées, avec chacune sa barre de recherche.

Bonne soirée 😀

#pokedex #buildinpublic #nuxtjs #tailwindcss
Found a perfect open-source next-js project for the blog.

Previously I built it with #nuxtjs #gist
Now I'll make with #nextjs #tailwindcss #typescript using #Vim

Might build in public too.

the article cover generator starts to come to life
#buildinpublic #nuxtjs #VueJS
Today I am fighting with running the Nuxt 3 app over Google Cloud Run. It's fun, and it appears to be a good source for tutorials for a blog.

#buildinpublic #nuxtjs #gcp
In my last post, I wrote about creating a small blog for my website. Here you can see how it turned out.

I may add a small section for 'how to do the same with WhaleDeck'
#nuxtjs #buildinpublic
I see a lot of react developers for #buildinpublic anyone building software with nuxt Js / Vue?

#nuxtjs #ReactJS #vue #developer
I've decided to build the frontend of my project with @nuxt_js using TypeScript 👍

Touched up the code blocks on the blog to resemble vscode. Really loving the feel & look this adds compared to the default code blocks! @nuxt_js

#nuxtjs #vuejs #buildinpublic
Form validation made simple with vuelidate! Creating a video on this for Thursday!

#vuejs #nuxtjs #buildinpublic
As a frontend developer, i don't dabble around all to much with backend.

@nuxt_js makes it very easy to integrate, when needed. The fact this is all you need to create a simple route to sign up users to a form is just awesome!

#buildinpublic #vuejs #nuxtjs
Blog portion of the site is nearly done, working on finalizing a few things with @nuxt_js content v2 & converting some content into articles!

#vuejs #nuxtjs #buildinpublic
Working on documentation for Spike.

How does it look? 💁‍♂️

#buildinpublic #laravel #nuxtjs #tailwindcss
Really excited to announce that tailedits is launched...
Head over to product hunt and share your feedback. Hope you like it 🙂…

#launch #VueJS #NuxtJS #DEVCommunity #Producthunt #buildinpublic
Really excited to announce that tailedits is launched..
Head over to product hunt and share your feedback. Hope you like it 🙂…

#launch #VueJS #NuxtJS #DEVCommunity #Producthunt #buildinpublic
Was working on visual editor for tailwindcss here is the first glimpse of what i am able to achieve in a week...
What are your thoughts on it ?

#DEVCommunity #VueJs #NuxtJs #buildinpublic
Hello and welcome to my Twitter profile 👋

I'm a 🇫🇷 #javascript developer. I like to #buildinpublic using the following Stack : #nuxtjs / #tailwindcss / @supabase

I ❤️ :

▶️ Dogs 🐶
▶️ Coding 💻
▶️ Sports 🏔

You can find all my content here 👉 🤓
[Week 3]: Building signup page with #nuxtjs #vuejs and VeeValidate.

How you can build a modern signup form with maintainable code like this in 15 minutes. (Bonus section included) 🧵👇

#100DaysOfCode #javascript #programming #buildinpublic #challengeinpublic
Our CTA button is LIVE on production now! 🚀

Let me show you how I built it with the following tools.

Frontend: #nuxtjs #vuejs #tailwindcss
Backend: #firebase #functions #nestjs #mailchimp

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #challengeinpublic

Since I announced building days ago, I've been receiving a number of queries from people who express interest in it. 🤩

Hence, I will be building a CTA button for new sign-ups.

Here's a sneak peek of it.

#buildinpublic #challengeinpublic #100DaysOfCode
Our CTA button is LIVE on production now! 🚀

Let me show you on how I built it with the following tools.

Frontend: #nuxtjs #vuejs #tailwindcss
Backend: #firebase #functions #nestjs

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #challengeinpublic

Since I announced building days ago, I've been receiving a number of queries from people who express interest in it. 🤩

Hence, I will be building a CTA button for new sign-ups.

Here's a sneak peek of it.

#buildinpublic #challengeinpublic #100DaysOfCode
✅ Built a simple landing page with #NuxtJS #tailwindcss (in progress)

Finally, built the first-ever version of landing page in only half an hour with #VueJS.

It was an amazing #developer experience with the framework!

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode
✅ Learnt #VueJS #NuxtJS over the weekend

It was a good decision for me to choose #VueJS over #ReactJS.

For a #Backend #Developer like me, I seriously feel #VueJS is much easier to pick up and their documentation are #awesome! 🤩

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
#ChallengeInPublic Week 1 Update:

✅ Acquired
✅ Learnt #VueJS #NuxtJS over the weekend
✅ Built a simple landing page with #NuxtJS (still in progress)

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode #javascript

Thread 🧵🧵👇👇
#ChallengeInPublic Week 1 Update:

✅ Acquired
✅ Learnt #VueJS #NuxtJS over the weekend
✅ Built a simple landing page with #NuxtJS (still in progress)

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode #javascript

Thread 🧵🧵👇👇
Announcement 📢📢📢

I will be learning #NuxtJS (#VueJS) and start building in the next 100 days.

#ChallengeInPublic #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Successfully added Editor.JS into #NuxtJS - and implemented the backend with @supabase


Just shipped my biggest project ever for the biggest client I ever had and billed the biggest bill I ever billed.

It started as a side project.

My next side projects will be #buildinpublic for the #laravel or #nuxtjs community.

Already have package ideas and some to finish up.

Ho huh... Hi ! And hummm... yeah my new side project is going great. Very serious project for a serious guy.

#nuxtjs #jamstack #tailwindcss #buildinpublic #indiehackers
Today I finished project management ui with #GraphQL and #amplify and #nuxtjs It was a bit harder to find out how and where to write custom mutations on amplify's graphql api but finally managed that too at 23:30 🤓 app coming soon...…
Quick update on the progress 🙂

Let me know what you think ¿ 🙃

Next, I'll be working on the storage layer.

#BuildInPublic using #NuxtJs and #Vuetify
Today, I'm focusing on article creations/styling and custom "widgets" you can add/customize/disable on @sanity_io
I try to make everything as simple as possible.

I also add a "focus" mode for widgets: this mode "hide" widgets when scrolled.

#nuxtjs #vuejs #buildinpublic #css