New video drop!

I'm starting a new 4-part tutorial series on how to implement basic physics in #RealityKit and Reality Composer. This is part 1. Part 2 is coming soon. Enjoy!

#iOSDev #Swift #AR #VR #XR #MR #buildinpublic…
New video series!

We're gonna build the classic Roll-A-Ball game in augmented reality to demonstrate basic physics in #RealityKit and Reality Composer. We’ll also be using #SwiftUI to build our screen controls, and ECS to implement the game logic.…
When working with RealityKit's 3D coordinate system, you might be surprised to find it's "SIMD3" 3D vector type is lacking some common helper functions you'll want to use, so I'm adding them here. #swift #iOSDev #XR #AR #VR #MR #RealityKit #buildinpublic…