📢 Exciting news! Ghostfolio is now available in the App Store of ☂️ @umbrel, a home server OS for self-hosting. Try it today and take control of your 💰 financial future!…

#App #Ghostfolio #Investing #OpenSoure #OSS #Privacy #selfhosting #Software #Wealth
Build a recurring Passive income Stream...

with help of Nocode and Open AI...

Here is how you can do it...

A thread 🧵...
Bonjour! We are pleased to announce that 👻 is now available in French, alongside English, Dutch, German, Italian, and Spanish!

#Finance #FinTech #Ghostfolio #MoneyManagement #OpenSource #OSS #PersonalFinance #Software #WealthTech #WealthManagement #Web3…
💸Cash flow is the lifeblood of any small business! Keep a close eye on it and manage it carefully to keep your business healthy and growing.💰

#buildinpublic #saas #entrepreneur #moneymanagement
Over the weekend, I have added the @buymeacoffee button to the app and immediately received a donation. Just a coincidence? 🤔

#BuildInPublic #Finance #FinTech #Ghostfolio #IndieDev #MoneyManagement #OpenSaaS #OpenSource #OSS #PersonalFinance #SaaS #Software #WealthManagement
People keep asking me about the file format for the activities import. From now on it is documented directly in the app 📖

#App #BuildInPublic #Finance #FinTech #Ghostfolio #IndieDev #MoneyManagement #OpenSaaS #OpenSource #OSS #PersonalFinance #SaaS #Software #WealthManagement
Waking up this morning felt better than yesterday: First sale of Ghostfolio Premium after a long time.

#BuildInPublic #Finance #FinTech #Ghostfolio #IndieDev #MoneyManagement #OpenSaaS #PersonalFinance #Software #WealthManagement…
The CPU usage of the Ghostfolio container increased severely during the night. Only a complete restart of the AWS instance brought the service back to normal.

Not how you want to wake up on a Sunday morning 😬

#BuildInPublic #DevOps #Ghostfolio #SaaS…
Unpopular opinion:

"Good money management is more important than how much you earn.” 💰

#buildinpublic #MoneyManagement #bootstrap #Saas #ThursdayThoughts #NoCode